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Chivers Delight

A very good crisp sweet dessert apple which keeps very well.

Origin: Cambridgeshire UK, 1920

Pollination: Chivers Delight is self-sterile and would require a pollinator to produce a crop.Find pollination partners >

British-grown UK flag All our bare-root trees are personally hand-grafted by our Nursery Manager and grown on at our nursery in Kent. We have Defra and Plant Healthy certification. More ...

Chivers Delight apple trees for sale

1-year maiden trees

These are the most versatile choice for home orchards, community fruit tree projects, and for training on in any form you require.

MaidenM25Very vigorous £25.50 Sold-out

If you do not see the rootstock you require it is likely we can graft a tree especially for you - click here for more details of our custom-grafting service.

Sorry we have sold out of this variety for this season.

History and description of Chivers Delight

Raised by Mr Chivers of Chivers Farm, Histon, Cambridgeshire, UK c1920. Grown on a very small scale in the UK. Medium sized, flat-round fruit. Red flush over greenish yellow skin ripening to golden yellow. Crisp, juicy, sweet, creamy white flesh. Flavour can be variable but at its best is very good and well balanced. Stores very well keeping its texture and crispness. Susceptible to canker and best avoided in humid locations. Otherwise suitable for most locations.

Characteristics of Chivers Delight apple trees

Fruit sizeMedium
Picking timeMid Oct
Season of useNov-Jan
Tree vigourModerate
Tree habitUpright-spreading
Pollination date14
Pollination groupD
PollinatorsPollination partners
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