- 1Butterball
Produces white blossom and masses of golden yellow fruit which cause branches to hang.
- 2Dolgo
An early ripening bright crimson crab apple with red flesh which makes excellent a red jelly.
- 3Evereste
A very popular crab apple with attractive white blossom and orange coloured fruit.
- 4Golden Gem
Produces masses of strongly scented pure white blossom and small yellow crab apples which persist into the winter.
- 5Gorgeous
Gorgeous produces attractive glossy red crab apples which make good pink jelly
- 6John Downie
One of the most popular crab apple for jelly making. It produces an orange coloured jelly.
- 7Laura®
A dwarf columnar tree with red leaves, deep pink blossom and red fleshed crab apples.
- 8Nuvar® Carnival
A heavy cropping orange/red coloured crab apple which produces an excellent orange jelly.
- 9Nuvar® Dusty Red
Nuvar Dusty Red is a mid season red crab apple. It produces excellent red jelly.
- 10Nuvar® Golden Elf
A bright yellow late season crab apple. Makes excellent orange coloured jelly.
- 11Nuvar® Marble
The name of this crab apple arose because of the pink stripes on a yellow backgroud giving an attractive marbled effect.
- 12Nuvar® Pink Pearl
Nuvar Pink Pearl is an early season crab apple. The fruit is a transluscent yellow with a pink flush
and makes excellent orange coloured jelly.
- 13Nuvar® Red Lantern
Produces quite large red flushed crab apples which hang like lanterns and make excellent red jelly.
- 14Pink Perfection
Produces pale pink strongly scented flowers
- 15Profusion Improved
Attractive partially lobed shiny purple leaves.Large dark pink blossom and small purple crab apple.
- 16Red Sentinel
Best known or its clusters of attractive red crab apples which persist well into the winter. The blossom is white and scented.
- 17Royalty
Attractive shiny dark purple leaves. Deep pink blossom in April/May and small purple crab apples.
- 18Snow Cloud
Produces beautiful heavily scented double flowered blossom
- 19Van Eseltine
produces masses pink and white double petaled blossom
- 20White Star
Produces masses of five-petaled flowers that resemble white stars
- 21Wickson Crab
An unusually sweet sharp crab apple from Northern California good for cider making.
- 22Wisley Crab
Red leaves and deep pink blossom in the spring. Large small apple-sized pink fleshed crab apples.
- 23Young America
Attractive large bright red flushed crab apple.