The season for early eating pears runs from mid August to mid September. In warm summers ripening can occur very rapidly and you need to be vigilant and pick the fruit before they are over-ripe and start to drop.
Please find below 5 of the most popular and recommended varieties. We can offer a total of 42 varieties - click here.
Mid season eating pears ripen from mid Septmeber to mid October. Some can be picked while still hard and stored in cold conditions to extend their season.
Please find below 8 of the most popular and recommended varieties. We can offer a total of 59 varieties - click here.
Late season eating pears are ready for picking by mid October. They can be stored and kept in cool conditions and ripenned indoors during the winter.
Please find below 4 of the most popular and recommended varieties. We can offer a total of 36 varieties - click here.
Cooking pears fall into two categories. The first are eating varieties which are used for cooking. These are usually used for cooking before the soften. The second are old fashioned cooking pears which remain hard however long they are kept and never soften sufficiently to be eaten fresh.
Please find below 3 of the most popular and recommended varieties. We can offer a total of 25 varieties - click here.
Perry is made by fermenting pear juice. It is the pear equivalent of cider. Perry pears are usually quite small. The high levels of acids and tannins that they contain help make good perry but also makes them unpalateable fresh.
Please find below 4 of the most popular and recommended varieties. We can offer a total of 14 varieties - click here.
Asian pears are a from a closely related species to European pears Pyrus pyrifolia. They are round like an apple rather than pear shaped. Their flesh is crisp but very juicy.