CurlewIn stockGroup CPartially self-fertile A blue mid season cooking plum with bright orange flesh
CzarIn stockGroup DSelf-fertile One of the most popular cooking plums. Excellent colour and flavour.
Laxton's DeliciousGroup ESelf-sterile A sweet late dessert plum which is a good cropper and keeps well after picking
Denniston's SuperbGroup CSelf-fertile An excellent self-fertile sweet yellow gage like dessert plum
Des BejonnieresGroup CPartially self-fertile A sweet juicy greengage.
Dittisham PloughmanGroup CSelf-sterile An old local variety from Devon best as a culinary plum but also a reasonable dessert plum
Drap d'Or d'EsperensGroup DSelf-sterile A delicious sweet yellow gage originating from Belgium.
Early FavouriteGroup CPartially self-fertile A small early purple dual purpose plum with good flavour and cropping
Early LaxtonGroup CPartially self-fertile Early Laxton is one of the earliest dual purpose plums
Early OrleansGroup CPartially self-fertile An excellent red culinary plum and a reasonable dessert plum
Rivers Early ProlificGroup CPartially self-fertile A good dual purpose plum which lives up to its name by being both early and very prolific.
Early Transparent GageGroup DSelf-fertile One of the best and the most popular of the yellow gages. Self-fertile and suitable for most parts of the UK.
EdwardsGroup DSelf-sterile Very large attractive looking dual purpose plum
Farleigh DamsonIn stockGroup DPartially self-fertile Our local variety. A heavy cropping popular small fruited damson.
Giant PruneIn stockGroup DSelf-fertile A large attractive looking self- fertile red plum
GoldfinchGroup CPartially self-fertile A bright yellow dessert plum with good flavour.
Golden Transparent GageIn stockGroup CSelf-fertile A very sweet heavy cropping self-fertile yellow gage
Gordon CastleGroup DSelf-sterile An attractive late yellow plum from Scotland
Late GreengageIn stockGroup DSelf-sterile A traditional greengage similar to Old Greengage and Cambridge Gage.
Old GreengageIn stockGroup DSelf-sterile The most popular of the greengages considered by many as the finest gage.
Laxton's GageGroup CSelf-fertile An excellent yellow dessert gage
Liegel's ApricotGroup DSelf-sterile A greengage with sweet fairly firm but juicy golden flesh.
Lindsey GageIn stockGroup DSelf-sterile One of the sweetest and tastiest of the greengages.
Madeleine NomblotGroup CSelf-sterile A reddish-purple plum with sweet but slightly acid juicy yellow flesh.
Mann's No 1Group CSelf-fertile A red plum similar to Victoria.
Marjorie's SeedlingGroup EPartially self-fertile A very popular late plum mainly for culinary use but also a reasonable dessert plum
Merton GageGroup DSelf-sterile A sweet mid season yellow gage.
Merton GemGroup CPartially self-fertile A heavy cropping red dual purpose plum similar to Victoria.
MerryweatherIn stockGroup CSelf-fertile A very popular large damson regarded by some as a small plum with damson flavour.
Monsieur Jaune Group DSelf-sterile A delicious sweet yellow gage often with a reddish purple flushed skin and orange flesh.
NewarkGroup CSelf-sterile A sweet yellow gage from America.
OntarioIn stockGroup DSelf-fertile An attractive large dual purpose yellow plum.
OpalIn stockGroup CSelf-fertile An excellent early dessert plum rather like a small Victoria.
OrleansGroup DSelf-fertile A very old French cooking plum
Oullins GageGroup DPartially self-fertile A sweet fairly large attractive yellow gage. A good garden variety for most parts of the UK.
Pond's SeedlingGroup ESelf-sterile An attractive looking large late season dual purpose plum.
PresidentGroup CSelf-sterile Very large blue dual purpose plum
Prince EnglebertGroup DPartially self-fertile Very large self-fertile blue culinary plum
PrimateGroup ESelf-sterile A large late season red/purple plum
Purple PershoreIn stockGroup DSelf-fertile One of the best culinary plums. Excellent for jam and stewing.
Quetsche d'AlsaceIn stockGroup ESelf-fertile The best known of a group of very popular European plums known as Quesche in France and Zwetschen in Germany.
Reine Claude DoreeIn stockGroup D A very popular sweet yellow gage from France.
VictoriaIn stockGroup CSelf-fertile The best known and most popular of English plums.
Wangenheims FruhzwetscheGroup ESelf-sterile A German prune (quetsche/zwetsche) type plum with firm flesh but earlier ripening.
Warwickshire DrooperIn stockGroup CSelf-fertile A heavy cropping late yellow plum. Attractive tree with weeping habit.
WashingtonGroup DSelf-sterile Washington is a large old American yellow gage
Willingham GageGroup DSelf-sterile A very sweet greengage very similar to Old Greengage.
Woolaston BlackGroup CSelf-sterile A small sweet purple plum with gage like qualities.
Yellow PershoreGroup DSelf-fertile One of the best and most popular traditional English cooking plums
Bohemian ZwetscheGroup ESelf-fertile Bohemian Zwetsche in one of a family of small to medium sized blue plums which are very popular in
Continental Europe but little known in the UK
Pozegaca ZwetscheGroup ESelf-fertile Pozegaca Zwetsche is one of a family of small to medium sized blue plums which are very popular in
Continental Europe but little known in the UK