Early JulyanGroup CSelf-sterile One of the earliest of the summer apples.
Early VictoriaGroup CPartially self-fertile A popular early cooking apple with excellent flavour.
East Lothian PippinGroup C A summer cooking apple from Scotland which cooks to a juicy puree.
Eccleston PippinGroup CSelf-sterile An old Cheshire dual purpose apple. Large showy red flushed fruit.
Emperor AlexanderGroup CSelf-sterile A large, attractive dual purpose apple thought to have originated from Ukraine.
EmpireIn stockGroup CPartially self-fertile An attractive, crisp, dark red dessert apple with a sweet but tangy summer fruit flavour.
Laxton's EpicureGroup CPartially self-fertile A very good summer dessert apple. Sweet and juicy with some Cox flavour.
ErosGroup CSelf-sterile A large red flushed apple with a fruity sharp flavour.
Exeter CrossGroup CSelf-sterile An early dessert apple with a sharp refreshing flavour.
ExquisiteGroup CSelf-sterile A summer apple with an aniseed flavour.
Fairie QueenGroup CSelf-sterile A sweet rich apple with some Cox flavour.
Red FalstaffIn stockGroup CPartially self-fertile One of the most popular modern garden varieties. Easy to grow, heavy cropping, crisp and juicy fruit.
FalstaffIn stockGroup CPartially self-fertile Now largely superseded by the more highly coloured sport Red Falstaff.
Red James GrieveGroup CSelf-sterile A more highly coloured sport of James Grieve.
James LawsonGroup CSelf-sterile A fairly sharp, soft and juicy apple with a curious balsam taste.
JefferiesGroup CSelf-sterile A very pretty red apple with delicate lines and patterns.
Jersey BlackGroup CSelf-sterile An old American apple once known as Black Apple because of its very dark colour.
John AppleGroup CSelf-sterile An old English cooking apple.
John StandishGroup CSelf-sterile A small red flushed apple with an intensely fruity flavour.
JonathanIn stockGroup CPartially self-fertile An old American dessert apple. Red flushed, crisp, juicy and sweet but with plenty of refreshing acidity.
JoybellsGroup CSelf-sterile An attractive apple with sweet melting flesh.
Kandil SinapGroup CSelf-sterile An unusual long shaped apple from Crimea.
KatyGroup CSelf-sterile A popular early garden variety producing good crops of attractive apples.
Kentish QuarrendenIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile A dark maroon apple with a sweet nutty flavour.
Kingston BlackGroup CSelf-sterile The most popular of the cider apples.
KorobovkaGroup CSelf-sterile A very attractive Russian dessert apple
Lady IsabelGroup CSelf-sterile A dual purpose apple similar to James Grieve but with a later season.
Lady LambourneGroup CPartially self-fertile A more highly coloured sport of Lord Lambourne.
LakelandGroup CSelf-sterile A sweet crisp apple with beautiful maroon flushed skin.
Lamb's SeedlingGroup CSelf-sterile A large red flushed dual purpose apple.
Landsberger ReinetteIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile A sweet, juicy soft fleshed apples once widely grown in Northern Europe.
Lass O' GowrieGroup CSelf-sterile An old Scottish summer cooking apple.
LeatherjacketGroup CSelf-sterile A yellow cooking apple originating from Essex.
LemoenGroup CSelf-sterile A large lemon yellow apple, with a lemony acidic taste.
LibertyGroup CSelf-sterile One of the first and best disease resistant apple from USA
LiptonGroup CSelf-sterile A heavily ribbed red apple with a delicate fresh strawberry flavour.
LoboGroup CSelf-sterile A Mcintosh seedling with a maroon flush and a light strawberry flavour.
Lombarts CalvilleGroup CSelf-sterile Believed to be a Calville Blanc D'hiver seedling, raised by P. Lombarts in Zundert.
Lord GrosvenorGroup CSelf-sterile An early season codlin-type cooking apple.
Lord HindlipGroup CSelf-sterile A handsome, crimon flushed apple.
Lord LambourneIn stockGroup CPartially self-fertile A popular traditional English mid season apple. Good flavour and disease resistance.
Lord NelsonGroup CSelf-sterile A large red striped apple from New Zealand.
Lord RoseberyGroup CSelf-sterile A pretty bright red summer apple with some strwberry flavour.
Lucombe's SeedlingGroup CSelf-sterile A large prominently ribbed sharp crisp apple once popular in Cornwall.
MacounGroup CSelf-sterile McIntosh x Jersey Black, a very dark red sweet dessert apple with white flesh.
Madresfield CourtGroup CSelf-sterile A rich mildly aromatic sweet mid season dessert apple.
MaigoldGroup CSelf-sterile Franc Roseau x Golden Delicous, syn Gold-N-Rose, Grown commercially in Switzerland
Mary BarnettGroup CSelf-sterile Lane's Prince Albert seedling, raised by Mrs Mary Jane Barnett.
MargilIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile A small Cox like apple.
MelbaIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile A pink flushed earrly dessert apple with a refreshing summer fruit flavour.
Nuvar® MelodyGroup CSelf-sterile A red flushed apple. Sweet crisp and juicy. Blossom shows some frost resistance.
MelroseGroup CSelf-sterile A large ribbed cooking apple once very popular in Tweedside.
MeridianGroup CSelf-sterile A mildly aromatic Cox type apple raised at East Malling Kent.
Merton JoyGroup CSelf-sterile Very similar to a Cox, not as intense.
Merton ProlificGroup CSelf-sterile Northern greening x Cox's Orange Pippin
Merton RussetGroup CSelf-sterile An intensely sharp flavoured fine russet apple.
Merton WorcesterIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile An excellent early to mid season red apple with a strawberry flavour.
Millicent BarnesGroup CSelf-sterile An old mid season red flushed dessert apple from Cheshire with quite sharp flavour.
Miller's SeedlingIn stockGroup CPartially self-fertile An attractive sweet summer apple once widely grown in England.
MonarchGroup CPartially self-fertile A once popular English cooking apple.
MonidelIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile An attractive red and yellow early dessert apple. Excellent sweet flavour, juicy and crisp.
MontfortGroup CSelf-sterile An attractive red flushed late dessert apple.
MorgenrotGroup CSelf-sterile A Cox's Orange Pippin seedling, a juicy sweet apple.
Morris' RussetGroup CSelf-sterile Similar looking to a Nonpareil with crimson flush under russet, attractive blossom.
New Rock PippinGroup CSelf-sterile An apple from Cambridgeshire with rich sweet and sharp flavour
NonpareilIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile An old variety with an intense sweet sharp flavour.
Norfolk BeautyGroup CSelf-sterile A large and very pretty mild flavoured mid season cooking apple.
Norfolk ColemanGroup CSelf-sterile A dark red-coloured dessert apple from Norfolk
Nutmeg PippinGroup CSelf-sterile A small golden russet
Oaken PinGroup CSelf-sterile Egg shaped apple with a rich flavour.
Old PearmainGroup CSelf-sterile A very old dessert apple
OpalGroup CSelf-sterile Crimson flushed apple with a hint of strawberry flavour. Different from the yellow apple of same name now grown and sold commercially.
OpalescentIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile A very striking large dark red apple one widely grown in New England.
Rivers NonsuchGroup CSelf-sterile Thomas Rivers raised this and used this as rootstock in C19th
Rosy BlenheimGroup CSelf-sterile A large apple resmbliing Blenheim Orange.
Ross NonpareilIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile A red flushed apple with the typical intense sweet-sharp Nonpareil flavour.
Rosemary RussetIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile A strong sweet sharp flavoured russet apple with a reddish flush.
Roter SauergrauechGroup CSelf-sterile A Swiss red sport of Sauergrauech, also used for making cider
Rough PippinGroup CSelf-sterile A traditional apple originating from Cornwall.
RubensGroup CSelf-sterile A red flushed apple with a raspberry flavour. Different from the modern variety of the same name now grown and sold commercially.
RubinetteIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile One of the best tasting apples in the world. An excellent strong cox like balanced taste.
RubinolaIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile A delicious and attractive modern disease resistant apple with sweet melting flesh. Very reliable cropper.
Rubinette RossoGroup CSelf-sterile A new red sport of Rubinette, a very tasty apple, Cox x Golden Delicious
Ruby (Seabrook)Group CSelf-sterile A bright red apple with a strawberry flavour similar to Worcester Pearmain.
Ruby (Thorrington)Group CSelf-sterile A sweet apple with some strwberry flavour.
Saltcote PippinGroup CSelf-sterile An aromatic apple similar to Ribston Pippin.
SampionGroup CSelf-sterile Golden Delicious x Lord Lambourne, a sweet dessert apple
Sam YoungIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile A small tasty sweet sharp apple with a cinamon russet skin.
SanspareilGroup CSelf-sterile A sweet honeyed apple that keeps its flavour well in storage.
SantanaGroup CSelf-sterile A new disease resistant dessert apple with a good scented flavour.
SaturnIn stockGroup CSelf-fertile A disease resistant modern sweet red apple bred at East Malling in Kent.
Scarlet NonpareilIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile Similar to Nonpareil with its intense sweet-sharp flavour but more highly coloured.