Early JulyanGroup CSelf-sterile One of the earliest of the summer apples.
Early VictoriaGroup CPartially self-fertile A popular early cooking apple with excellent flavour.
East Lothian PippinGroup C A summer cooking apple from Scotland which cooks to a juicy puree.
Eccleston PippinGroup CSelf-sterile An old Cheshire dual purpose apple. Large showy red flushed fruit.
EcklinvilleIn stockGroup DSelf-sterile An old cooking apple originating from Northern Ireland.
EdelborsdorferGroup DSelf-sterile A very sweet apple from Germany with a scent of elderflower.
Edith HopwoodGroup DSelf-sterile A lightly aromatic mid season yellow apple.
Ellison's OrangeGroup DPartially self-fertile Intensely aromatic Cox like apple with an aniseed flavour. A good alternative to Cox for northern Britain.
ElstarIn stockGroup DSelf-sterile One of the best modern apples with an excellent fruity flavour and good keeping quality.
Emperor AlexanderGroup CSelf-sterile A large, attractive dual purpose apple thought to have originated from Ukraine.
EmpireIn stockGroup CPartially self-fertile An attractive, crisp, dark red dessert apple with a sweet but tangy summer fruit flavour.
EncoreGroup DSelf-sterile A large cooking apple. Very acid when used early but mellows with keeping.
Laxton's EpicureGroup CPartially self-fertile A very good summer dessert apple. Sweet and juicy with some Cox flavour.
ErosGroup CSelf-sterile A large red flushed apple with a fruity sharp flavour.
Esopus SpitzenburgGroup DSelf-sterile An old American dual purpose apple widely grown in the USA in 19th century renowned apple pies.
Exeter CrossGroup CSelf-sterile An early dessert apple with a sharp refreshing flavour.
Eynsham DumplingGroup DSelf-sterile A large cooking apple raised in Oxfordshire.
Fairie QueenGroup CSelf-sterile A sweet rich apple with some Cox flavour.
Red FalstaffGroup CPartially self-fertile One of the most popular modern garden varieties. Easy to grow, heavy cropping, crisp and juicy fruit.
FalstaffIn stockGroup CPartially self-fertile Now largely superseded by the more highly coloured sport Red Falstaff.
FiestaGroup DPartially self-fertile A crisp, juicy, sweet apple with some Cox flavour which crops well and keeps extremely well.
Fillingham PippinGroup CSelf-sterile A sharp fruity apple once popular in Yorskshire.
First and LastGroup DSelf-sterile A Victorian apple from Sussex claimed to keep in
store for up to two years
FlameGroup CSelf-sterile Flame is a pretty pink and red flushed summer apple.
FlamencoGroup DSelf-sterile A red flushed crisp juicy ballerina apple with a sharp flavour.
Flower of the TownGroup CSelf-sterile A sharp tasting mid season dessert apple from Yorkshire.
FolkestoneGroup DSelf-sterile A red early season dessert apple.
ForfarGroup CSelf-sterile A large and handsome late season dual purpose apple also known as Dutch Mignonne.
ForgeGroup DSelf-sterile An old traditional dual purpose apple from Sussex
Laxton's FortuneGroup CPartially self-fertile A red flushed early season dessert apple with a brisk summer fruit flavour.
Foulden PearmainGroup CSelf-sterile An old dual purpose apple from Norfolk.
FrancisGroup DSelf-sterile A small, sweet, lightly aromatic apple similar to Laxton's Superb.
Nuvar® FrecklesGroup CSelf-sterile A very tasty sweet red apple with small russet patches giving it a frecked appearance.
Freiherr von BerlepschGroup CSelf-sterile An old German variety with an intense pineapple flavour.
FreybergGroup CSelf-sterile A delicious apple which is very sweet but also has an intensly aromatic flavour.
FujiGroup DSelf-sterile A crisp sweet apple with a perfumed honey-like flavour. Requires a warm location for best flavour.
GalaGroup DPartially self-fertile One of the most widely grown and popular commercial apples.
GarnetGroup CSelf-sterile A bright red early season dessert apple.
Gascoyne's ScarletGroup DSelf-sterile A victorian Kentish variety. Large, handsome red fruit. Produces excellent pink juice.
GavinIn stockGroup DSelf-sterile An excellent but little know variety. Very crisp, sweet fruit.
George CarpenterGroup DSelf-sterile A large attractive flushed apple with a good aromatic flavour.
GladstoneGroup DPartially self-fertile A red flushed summer apple. Quite sharp with a raspberry or redcurrant flavour.
GlasburyGroup DSelf-sterile A large pink flushed culinary apple.
Gloucester CrossGroup DSelf-sterile A mid season dessert apple with a rich aromatic flavour.
Gloria MundiGroup DSelf-sterile A large cooking apple with an unusual oblong, heavily ribbed shape.
Nuvar® GoldGroup CSelf-sterile A bright yellow apple with a slight pink blush. It is sweet crisp and juicy.
Golden DeliciousGroup DSelf-sterile The most widely grown apple throughout the world. Requires a warm location to achieve full sweetness.
GoldrushGroup DSelf-sterile Goldrush is a new disease resistant apple. Golden yellow with a pink blush. Rich sweet flavour. Late
ripening and very good keeper.
Golden HarveyGroup DSelf-sterile A very old russet apple with an intense sweet sharp flavour. Famous for its strong cider.
Nuvar® Golden HillsIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile A striking golden yellow apple with crisp juicy flesh and a rich sweet flavour.
Golden KnobGroup CSelf-sterile A small russet apple with an intense sweet-sharp flavour.
Golden NuggetGroup CSelf-sterile A small attractive fruit with an intense sweet-sharp pineapple flavour.
Golden PippinGroup CSelf-sterile a very old variety. Intense fruity flavour also used for cooking and cider.
Golden ReinetteGroup DSelf-sterile An attractive apple with good fruity taste, similar Blenheim Orange.
GrantonianGroup DSelf-sterile A large fairly sweet cooking apple.
Grange's PearmainGroup DSelf-sterile A dual purpose apple with a hint of pineapple flavour.
Granny SmithIn stockGroup CSelf-fertile One of the most widely grown commercial apples known for its green colour, sharp flavour and firm texture.
Green HarveyGroup DSelf-sterile A dual purpose apple which keeps its shape when cooked.
GrenadierGroup CPartially self-fertile One of the best known of the early cooking apples.
Greenup's PippinGroup DSelf-sterile An old dual purpose apple from the North of England
Green RolandGroup DSelf-sterile A mild flavoured green cooking apple from Norfolk
Grvena LepogvetkaGroup DSelf-sterile An intensly flvoured apple from the former Yugoslavia.
Red James GrieveGroup CSelf-sterile A more highly coloured sport of James Grieve.
James LawsonGroup CSelf-sterile A fairly sharp, soft and juicy apple with a curious balsam taste.
JefferiesGroup CSelf-sterile A very pretty red apple with delicate lines and patterns.
Jersey BlackGroup CSelf-sterile An old American apple once known as Black Apple because of its very dark colour.
JesterGroup DSelf-sterile A very attractive red flushed dessert apple with good frost resistance.
John StandishGroup CSelf-sterile A small red flushed apple with an intensely fruity flavour.
JonathanIn stockGroup CPartially self-fertile An old American dessert apple. Red flushed, crisp, juicy and sweet but with plenty of refreshing acidity.
JoybellsGroup CSelf-sterile An attractive apple with sweet melting flesh.
Kandil SinapGroup CSelf-sterile An unusual long shaped apple from Crimea.
KarinaGroup DSelf-sterile A very beautiful Swiss apple
KatyGroup CSelf-sterile A popular early garden variety producing good crops of attractive apples.
Kentish QuarrendenIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile A dark maroon apple with a sweet nutty flavour.
KentGroup DSelf-sterile A mildly aromatic dessert apple raised at East Malling in Kent.
Kidd's Orange RedIn stockGroup DSelf-sterile An excellent dessert apple similar to Cox but redder in colour and sweeter in taste.
King George VGroup DSelf-sterile A late dessert apple with an intense pineapple flavour.
King of the PippinsGroup DPartially self-fertile A good dual purpose apple polupular in France where it is known as Reine des Reinettes.
KyokkoGroup DSelf-sterile Ralls Janet x McIntosh, raised at Aomori Apple Exp St.
Marriage-MakerGroup DSelf-sterile An attractive mid seasson dessert apple.
MaxtonGroup DPartially self-fertile A more reliable cropping clone of Laxton's Superb
May BeautyGroup DSelf-sterile A dark red flushed apple.
May QueenGroup DSelf-sterile A heavy cropping apple with a fruity brisk flavour.
MekuGroup DSelf-sterile Tsugara x Iwai raised Aomori Apple Exp St. Japan. An attractive, tall, conical sweet dessert apple.
Nuvar® MelodyGroup CSelf-sterile A red flushed apple. Sweet crisp and juicy. Blossom shows some frost resistance.
MelroseGroup CSelf-sterile A large ribbed cooking apple once very popular in Tweedside.
Merton BeautyGroup DSelf-sterile A sweet apple with a rich aniseed flavour.
Merton JoyGroup CSelf-sterile Very similar to a Cox, not as intense.
Merton ProlificGroup CSelf-sterile Northern greening x Cox's Orange Pippin
Merton RussetGroup CSelf-sterile An intensely sharp flavoured fine russet apple.
Merton WorcesterGroup CSelf-sterile An excellent early to mid season red apple with a strawberry flavour.
MichelinGroup DSelf-sterile A popular medium bittersweet cider apple from France.
Michaelmas RedGroup DSelf-sterile A pretty early to mid season pink flushed apple.
Millicent BarnesGroup CSelf-sterile An old mid season red flushed dessert apple from Cheshire with quite sharp flavour.
Miller's SeedlingGroup CPartially self-fertile An attractive sweet summer apple once widely grown in England.
MimiGroup DSelf-sterile Jonathan x Cox's Orange Pippin, a less intense Cox.
MonarchGroup CPartially self-fertile A once popular English cooking apple.
MonidelIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile An attractive red and yellow early dessert apple. Excellent sweet flavour, juicy and crisp.
MontfortGroup CSelf-sterile An attractive red flushed late dessert apple.
MorgenrotGroup CSelf-sterile A Cox's Orange Pippin seedling, a juicy sweet apple.
Morris' RussetGroup CSelf-sterile Similar looking to a Nonpareil with crimson flush under russet, attractive blossom.
Morley's SeedlingGroup DSelf-sterile Alfriston x Lane's Prince Albert, large cooking apple
American MotherGroup DPartially self-fertile An old American apple dating from the mid 19th Century
Mrs PhillimoreGroup DSelf-sterile Cox's Pomona x Mother (American) Looks like Cox's pomona, Tastes like Mother
Nancy JacksonGroup DSelf-sterile An old cooking apple grown in Yorkshire in 19th Century.
NasonaGroup DSelf-sterile An unusual very sweet oblong shaped apple from Italy.
Crimson Newton WonderGroup DSelf-sterile A more highly coloured sport of Newton Wonder
New Rock PippinGroup CSelf-sterile An apple from Cambridgeshire with rich sweet and sharp flavour
Newton WonderGroup DPartially self-fertile An attractive and popular traditional English cooking apple.
Nolan PippinGroup DSelf-sterile A strong sweet-sharp flavour apple.
NonpareilIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile An old variety with an intense sweet sharp flavour.
Norfolk ColemanGroup CSelf-sterile A dark red-coloured dessert apple from Norfolk
Northern GreeningIn stockGroup DSelf-sterile An old English cooking apple.
Norfolk Royal RussetGroup DSelf-sterile A russetted sport of Norfolk Royal. Very aromatic and light crisp flesh.
Norfolk RoyalGroup DSelf-sterile A bright red apple with sweet crisp and juicy white flesh.
NorthwoodGroup DSelf-sterile An old apple thought to have originated from Devon.
Nutmeg PippinGroup CSelf-sterile A small golden russet
Oaken PinGroup CSelf-sterile Egg shaped apple with a rich flavour.
Old PearmainGroup CSelf-sterile A very old dessert apple
OpalGroup CSelf-sterile Crimson flushed apple with a hint of strawberry flavour. Different from the yellow apple of same name now grown and sold commercially.
OpalescentGroup CSelf-sterile A very striking large dark red apple one widely grown in New England.
OrangenburgGroup DSelf-sterile A rich armoatic apple with some Cox flavour.
OrinIn stockGroup DSelf-sterile A very sweet yellow apple from Japan.
OtavaGroup DSelf-sterile A new disease resistant apple with an attactive pink blush. Firm and crisp with a tangy sharp flavour.
Pink PearmainGroup CSelf-sterile An acidic red fleshed apple from Germany
PinovaGroup DSelf-sterile A disease resistant late dessert apple. Hangs well on the tree. Good fruity flavour.
Pitmaston Pine AppleGroup DSelf-sterile A small golden russet apple with a very distinctive strong pineapple flavour.
Pitmaston Russet NonpareilGroup CSelf-sterile A russt apple with a mixture of the sweet-sharp Nonpareil and the nutty Egremont Russet flavours.
PollyIn stockGroup DSelf-sterile A dual purpose apple from Cornwall.
PomeroyGroup DSelf-sterile A handsome sweet apple with pineapple like acidity.
Potts' SeedlingGroup DSelf-sterile A cooking apple which cooks to a juicy froth needing little added sugar.
President BoudewijnGroup DSelf-sterile Jonathan x Cox's Orange Pippin, very similar to a Cox
Prinses BeatrixGroup CSelf-sterile Cox's Orange Pippin x Jonathan. raised by IVT, Wageningen.
Prins BernhardGroup DSelf-sterile Jonathan x Cox's Orange Pippin, a cox like apple with the appearance of Jonathan
Prinses MarijkeGroup CSelf-sterile Jonathan x Cox's Orange Pippin raised by IVT, Wageningen
PrimusGroup CSelf-sterile Reinette Rouge Etoilee x Cox's Orange Pippin, Very sweet apple.
Purpurroter CousinotGroup CSelf-sterile A very old sweet perfumed apple probably oringinating in the Netherlands or Germany.
Queen CarolineGroup CSelf-sterile A cooking apple which cooks to a creamy well flavoured puree.
QueenGroup CSelf-sterile A very pretty large cooking apple cooking to a lovely bright yellow sharp puree.
RajkaIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile An attactive disease resistant modern variety with an excellent sweet flavour and good keeping qualities.
Laxton's RearguardGroup CSelf-sterile A firm crisp apple with an intense aromatic flavour.
Red DeliciousGroup DSelf-sterile One of the most widely grown apples particularly popular in North America.
Red DoughertyGroup CSelf-sterile A highly coloured sport of the Australian variety Dougherty
RedfreeGroup DSelf-sterile A disease resistant maroon dessert apple, bred by the co-operative disease resistant programme of Illinios, Indiana and New Jersey Exp Sts.
Nuvar® Red GlossGroup DSelf-sterile A shiny red fruit which is sweet, crisp and juicy.
RedgoldGroup CSelf-sterile Golden Delicious x Richared Delicious, a very sweet apple.
Redcoat GrieveGroup CSelf-sterile A Heavier cropping clone of James Grieve discovered by H. Jones at Letchworth.
Red MillerGroup CPartially self-fertile A more highly coloured sport of Miller's Seedling.
RedsleevesGroup CSelf-fertile A disease resistant early dessert apple. Attractive, crisp, sweet and juicy fruit.
Red VictoriaGroup CSelf-sterile A large dark red flushed cooking apple.
Reinette de BrucbrucksGroup CSelf-sterile A large handsome intensely aromatic dessert apple
Rivers NonsuchGroup CSelf-sterile Thomas Rivers raised this and used this as rootstock in C19th
Rivers St MartinGroup DSelf-sterile A very sweet maroon apple raised by Thomas Rivers
Rosmarina BiancaGroup DSelf-sterile Named for its aroma of rosemary
Rosy BlenheimGroup CSelf-sterile A large apple resmbliing Blenheim Orange.
RosetteGroup CSelf-sterile A red fleshed sport of Discovery which has better flavour and keeping qualities than its parent.
Rosemary RussetGroup CSelf-sterile A strong sweet sharp flavoured russet apple with a reddish flush.
Roter AnanasGroup DSelf-sterile A beautiful apple with a bright scarlet flush and strong pineapple flavour.
Roter SauergrauechGroup CSelf-sterile A Swiss red sport of Sauergrauech, also used for making cider
RubensGroup CSelf-sterile A red flushed apple with a raspberry flavour. Different from the modern variety of the same name now grown and sold commercially.
RubinetteIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile One of the best tasting apples in the world. An excellent strong cox like balanced taste.
RubinolaGroup CSelf-sterile A delicious and attractive modern disease resistant apple with sweet melting flesh. Very reliable cropper.
Rubinette RossoGroup CSelf-sterile A new red sport of Rubinette, a very tasty apple, Cox x Golden Delicious
Ruby (Seabrook)Group CSelf-sterile A bright red apple with a strawberry flavour similar to Worcester Pearmain.
Ruby (Thorrington)Group CSelf-sterile A sweet apple with some strwberry flavour.
SabarosGroup DSelf-sterile A French cooking apple which keeps it shape when cooked
Saltcote PippinGroup CSelf-sterile An aromatic apple similar to Ribston Pippin.
Sam YoungIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile A small tasty sweet sharp apple with a cinamon russet skin.
SanspareilGroup CSelf-sterile A sweet honeyed apple that keeps its flavour well in storage.
SantanaGroup CSelf-sterile A new disease resistant dessert apple with a good scented flavour.
SaturnGroup CSelf-fertile A disease resistant modern sweet red apple bred at East Malling in Kent.
Scarlet CroftonGroup DSelf-sterile Attractive dark red apple from Ireland.
Scarlet NonpareilIn stockGroup CSelf-sterile Similar to Nonpareil with its intense sweet-sharp flavour but more highly coloured.
StatefairGroup CSelf-sterile A hardy early season variety, Mantet x Oriole, sweet with some aromatic taste
St EverardGroup CSelf-fertile A rich aromatic red striped apple.
Stirling CastleGroup CPartially self-fertile An old cooking apple originally from Scotland and once widely grown throughout the UK.
St MagdalenGroup CSelf-sterile A very sweet, rich, aromatic apple from Norfolk.
Stobo CastleGroup CSelf-sterile An old Scottish cooking apple.
Stoke Edith PippinGroup CSelf-sterile A late season russet from Herefordshire.
Storey's SeedlingGroup DSelf-sterile A crisp, juicy apple with plenty of flavour.
Striped BeefingGroup CSelf-sterile A large handsome apple with dark red stripes which give its name.
StubnoseGroup CSelf-sterile An unusual shaped early cooking apple.
Sturmer PippinIn stockGroup CPartially self-fertile A very late dessert apple which hangs on the tree into the winter and keeps well.
SunburnGroup CSelf-sterile A Cox's Orange Pippin seedling
SunriseGroup CSelf-sterile One of the best early apples with a very long season.
SunsetGroup CSelf-fertile An excellent garden substitute for Cox particularly for regions where Cox can not be grown successfully.
Laxton's SuperbIn stockGroup DPartially self-fertile A sweet dessert partially self-fertile apple with the aromatic flavour of Cox.
SurpriseGroup DSelf-sterile Quite sweet with a pear-like flavour which keeps its shape when cooked.
Sussex MotherGroup DSelf-sterile An old Sussex apple. Sweet with a distinctive spicy flavour and a hint of aniseed.
SwaarGroup CSelf-sterile A yellow, partially russetted apple with a rich, sweet, nutty flavour once popular in America.
Sweet CornellyGroup CSelf-sterile Golden Delicious x McIntosh, a deep red apple with a very sweet flavour
Sweet DeliciousGroup DSelf-sterile Deacon Jones x Red Delicious, a very sweet red dessert apple from America
Sweet SocietyIn stockGroup DSelf-sterile A new classic cox type apple selected by the RHS to celebrate their Bicentennial.
Taunton CrossGroup DSelf-sterile A Wealthy seedling, sweet-sharp dessert apple
TelstarGroup DSelf-sterile Golden Delicious x Kidd's Orange Red, raised by J. H. Kidd, Wairarapa Valley, NZ. A very sweet apple, like a Golden Delicious with Kidd's orange red flavour.
Ten CommandmentsIn stockGroup DSelf-sterile A small dark red flushed apple used for cider making.